Company name: MEBLO INT, proizvodnja izdelkov za spanje, Ltd.

Short company name: MEBLO INT Ltd.

Address: Industrijska cesta 5, Kromberk, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

T +386 (5) 33 02 221 | E | W


Registration number: 6259596000

VAT identification number: SI63936470

TAX payer: YES


Operating activity (SKD): 31.030 mattress production

The company is registered at the District Court in Nova Gorica.


Bank Accounts

SI56 1010 0005 2296 575 Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.

SI56 0510 0801 3574 269 Abanka d.d.

SI56 3400 0101 5855 465 Banka Sparkasse d.d.


years of tradition



customers sleeping on mebloJOGI®


equipped hotels and other facilities
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